RRTP Recap by Mary Getsey Bernier

RRTP Recap by Mary Getsey Bernier

EN would like to thank Mary Getsey Bernier for her report on the Retired Racehorse Training Project Challenge.  Three trainers worked with off-track thoroughbreds for five weeks, displaying their progress at the Pennsylvania Horse Expo where Mary was witness to the event.  This was a wonderful project to showcase the talent and ability of OTTBs.  Thanks for writing, Mary, and thanks for reading!

Eric Dierks: The Debate That Should Not Even Exist

Eric Dierks: The Debate That Should Not Even Exist

Eric Dierks, a four-star rider and respected trainer/clinician, was kind enough to send us this article he wrote for Eventing Nation’s reading pleasure.  To learn more about Eric, check out his website, and I particularly recommend Eric’s blog which has some great posts.  Thanks for writing this Eric and thank you for reading.